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What We Want To Know

To Help Build Your Business Website

To Help Build Your Business Website

To build a high-quality website for you, we ask that you look over the information requested below and have some of it ready. It will provide you and us some focus on what is the purpose of your website: getting contacts or sales, showing your store or services, letting people find your business both physically and on the internet via search engines, getting prepared for internet advertising, etc.

For further information, write, text or call Steve Edwards using the contact page.

Business Info


Marketing / Advertising / Sales Materials

Do you have any current or relevant:

Internet Listings

We can help you get listed on the internet on popular search engines, rating sites, and social media platforms. To add your business to these services, please have some of this material or information ready.

Google, Bing Info Boxes

Google calls them Knowledge Panels, Microsoft (Bing) calls them Infoboxes, in general we call them info boxes. When people search for a business on Google, they may see information about that business in a box that appears to the right of their search results. The information in the box, called the knowledge panel, can help customers discover and contact your business. The same applies to searches on Bing.

Do you have:

  • a mybusiness.google.com account?
  • a Bing (bing.com / bingplaces.com) listing?
sample knowledge panel on Google for Dandelion Chocolate
An example of Google’s Knowledge Panel
Business Name

The name you wish to be known by and shown on search services and in info boxes. May differ from your legal name, but should be a well-known AKA.

Business Hours

The hours your store is open or your services are available. Can have special hours for holidays or other events.

Business Description

Tell customers what they can expect at your business. What you offer, what sets you apart, your history, or anything else that's helpful for customers to know. Focus primarily on details about your business instead of details about promotions, prices, or sales. You can list your specializations, awards, and professional affiliations. You can also list the various services available at your business and also leave a tip about driving directions or how to locate your business. An accurate description helps customers know what they can expect from your business and helps ensure the right customers are contacting you. (recommended maximum: 240 characters including spaces, about 40 words)

Business Photos

Exterior and interior photos, pictures of products, services, etc., as needed: 1:1 (square), 4:3, 16:9, 2:1.

cake pops, sample 1:1 photo
1:1 photo
Valentine's day candy box, sample 4:3 photo
4:3 photo
shop street view, sample 16:9 photo shop street view, sample 16:9 photo
16:9 photo
cupcake display counter, sample 2:1 photo cupcake display counter, sample 2:1 photo
2:1 photo

Yahoo, Yelp, Yellow Pages

Social Media Accounts


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